Laser Tag II
200 years ago, something extraordinary happened... Legends say that no one ever dared to investigate this mystery... Until there was someone with the necessary courage!The adventure is almost beginning! Gather your group of warriors and come conquer the Forest of the Future!-
+7 years (including)
5x5 player rounds
Those with the following medical conditions should be careful if playing: asthma, heart problems, back problems, epileptic seizures, history of dislocation, pregnancy and other pre-existing conditions that could be aggravated.
Rua da Indústria 7, 2725-473 Mem Martins
Pav InFoot -
- 212841912
Quarta a Sexta 14h-19h
Sábado e Domingo 09h-19h
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Rua da Indústria 7, 2725-473 Mem Martins
Pav InFoot -
- 212841912
Quarta a Sexta 14h-19h
Sábado e Domingo 09h-19h
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